The Helix Bridge (螺旋桥)is a pedestrian bridge linking Marina Centre with Marina South in the Marina Bay. It was officially opened on April 24 2010 at 9 pm. It is located beside the Benjamin Sheares Bridge and is accompanied by a vehicular bridge, known as the Bayfront Bridge.
We perform for the official opening of the Helix Bridge
The Helix Bridge
2-minute fireworks... Very captivating...
Monday, April 5, 2010{ 3:27 AM }
‘ 勇气不是天生的,是一点一滴累计成的。’
Thursday, April 1, 2010{ 11:34 AM }
Finally... After practising for so long, I finally achieve AERIAL!! ~Wooh... :D
Must keep practise to maintain it and go higher, 'cause my head is sooo near the ground!!